
Leopard Danio


Leopard like spots on  a gold  background  give these fish their popular name.The long-finned variety has been aquarium developed.Spots are smaller and closer together on the upper body, giving a dark appearance; the spots may also group together to form interrupted ''lines'' particularly on the caudal peduncle.Faint patterning is apparent in the yellowish anal fin ad center of the caudal fin.The female is usually larger than the male, even outside the breeding season, with a more convex body line.

Common Name 

Spotted or Leopard Danio.


Brachydanio frankei


The wild species is from southern and central India ; also ranging into the Malay peninsula.

Maximum Size

About 1.5"/4.5cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A standard 24" x 15" x 12"/60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm/70.8 litre tank is big enough to house a group.


Stomach analyses of wild specimens have revealed this species to be chiefly insectivorous, feeding on a variety of aquatic/terrestrial insects and their larvae.A good quality dried product can be used as the staple diet but this should be supplemented with regular meals of small live and frozen fare such as bloodworm, Daphnia, Artemia, etc. for the fish to develop the best colouration and conditioning.

Water Temperature  

65 - 75.8°F/18 - 24°C


6.0 - 8.0


5 - 12°H


The classification of this species is argued over since its introduction to the aquarium, a process further complicated by its ready hybridization with brachydanio rerio and B.albolineatus .Some authorities assume it to be offspring of one of these two species.

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