
Zebra Danio


This fish has a base color of silver or gold,strikingly marked by a number of bright blue or purple horizontal lines running from the head to the rear edge of the caudal fin.This pattern is repeated in the anal and caudal fin; the dorsal area is yellowish olive.The long-finned variety is aquarium developed.All males are slimmer and smaller than the females.

Common Name

Zebrafish, Danio rerio, Zebra Danio


Brachydanio rerio.


The wild species is from the east India.

Maximum Size

About 1.5"/4.5cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A standard 24" x 15" x 12"/60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm/70.8 litre tank is big enough to house a group.


Stomach analyses of wild specimens have revealed this species to be chiefly insectivorous, feeding on a variety of aquatic/terrestrial insects and their larvae.A good quality dried product can be used as the staple diet but this should be supplemented with regular meals of small live and frozen fare such as bloodworm, Daphnia, Artemia, etc. for the fish to develop the best colouration and conditioning.

Water Temperature  

 64- 76°F/17.8 - 24.4°C


6.0 - 8.0


5 - 20°H


This is a very active species, constantly on the move in the upper levels of the water, a group is recommended.It is prolific spawner, which makes it good choice for breeding attempts, but precaution should be taken to prevent the adult from eating the eggs, even though the eggs me be lodged in densely leaved plants provide for the purpose.Selective breeding has produced both long-finned and veil-filed strains.

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