By Wasif Mallick
Showing posts with label Tropical Freshwater Fishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tropical Freshwater Fishes. Show all posts

Belgian Flag Tetra


The color of this tetra is pale grayish brown of the dorsal surface and silver on the flanks and ventral surface.There are  line along the body; the uppermost is red, the middle faintly gold on this specimen , and the broader bottom line is black.The gill covers are silver .Females are much deeper in body shape.

Common Name

Flag Tetra


Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus


Streams around and including the Tocantins River,lower Amazon.

Maximum Size

About  2in (5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank.


Easy to feed. It will readily accept just about anything offered.They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules along with small live and frozen foods. A few handfuls of dried leaves (again beech can be used, or oak leaves are also suitable) would complete the natural feel.

Water Temperature

74-82°F (22-28°C)






It resembles Hemigrammus ulreyi, a less commonly available species.

Black Neon Tetra


This tetra is olive-green on the dorsal surface and silvery on the belly.There is an iridescent ,pale green-blue line along the flanks, from the top of the eye to the caudal peduncle. Below this, a dark area gradually pales towards the lower part of the body.Fins are  mostly colorless, and an adipose fin is present.Females gradually have deeper bodies and increase in girth at spawning times.

Common Name

Black Tetra, Neon Tetra


Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi


Streams and rivers in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil.

Maximum Size

About  1.75"(4.5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 18" x 12" x 12" (45cm x 30cm x 30cm) - 42 litres.


Easy to feed. It will readily accept just about anything offered.They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.In the aquarium it proves unfussy. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules along with small live and frozen foods.

Water Temperature

72-82°F (22-28°C)






Soft, acid water will bring out this fish color.

Flame Tetra


The body shape of this fish is typical of the tetra group,with a high profile tapering evenly to the caudal peduncle.Coloration is pinkish brown with silver.On perfect specimens , two dark bars appear behind the gill cover and extend down to the belly; the lower rear of the body has more red.Pelvic, anal and caudal fins are also red edged with black , and the dorsal fin may be sooty with white streaks.A terminal mouth is situated at the tip of the snout and an adipose fin is present.The female is less red and increases girth when spawning.

Common Name

Red Tetra , Tetra of Rio, Flame Tetra , Von Rio Tetra


Hyphessobrycon Flammeus


Streams and rivers around Rio de Janeiro.

Maximum Size

About  1.75"(4.5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 18" x 12" x 12" (45cm x 30cm x 30cm) - 42 litres.


Easy to feed. It will readily accept just about anything offered.They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.In the aquarium it proves unfussy. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules along with small live and frozen foods.

Water Temperature

72-82°F (22-28°C)






Hyphessobrycon griemi is similar, but lacks the red coloration, and has more white in its fin.

Bleeding Heart Tetra


The body of the Bleeding Heart Tetra is high and deeps.The general color is pinkish silver, and a notable feature is the pink-red spot on the flank below the dorsal fin.Males have large sickle-shaped dorsal fins; those of females are shorter and rounded.Both males and females have long-based anal fins, but those on the males are slightly concave.

Common Name

Spotfin Tetra , Bleeding Heart Tetra , Hyphessobrycon rubrostigma.


Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma


Streams and rivers in Colombia.

Maximum Size

About  3"(7.5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 36" x 15" x 12" (90cm x 37.7cm x 30cm) - 106 litres.


Easy to feed. It will readily accept just about anything offered.They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.In the aquarium it proves unfussy. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules along with small live and frozen foods

Water Temperature

73-82°F (23-28°C).






This peaceful species is apt to dart around when startled and appreciates plenty of swimming space.Captive breeding is uncommon.The lesser Bleeding Heart Tetra , a similar-looking species has more rounded and less exaggerated finnage.

Yellow Tetra


The Yellow Tetra's uniformly proportioned body is typical of the genus.Adults have a lemon-gold sheen and two marks just behind the gill cover.The first mark is wedge shaped and accentuated by a golden iridescence; the other is longer, thinner , and less distinct.Occasionally, there is more gold in the dorsal area due to chemical deposits beneath the skin which reflect the light.All fins area yellowish , sometimes with a tinge of red at the base.Males have slightly concave anal fins.

Common Name

Yellow Tetra, Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus.


Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus.


Streams, lakes and rivers around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Maximum Size

About 2"(5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank .


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.In the aquarium it proves unfussy. Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules along with small live and frozen foods.Feeds chiefly on small invertebrates in nature.

Water Temperature

68-77°F (20-25°C).






Yellow Tetra do well in a tank of  small tetras and rasboras.They are fin-nippers.

Rummy Nose Tetra


The distinguishing feature of this slim bodied tetra is the striking red head; the caudal fin is also patterned.The red area is confined to the head in the Rummy-nose Tetra but may extend as streak on to the body in the similar False Rummy-nose (Petitella georgiae).The caudal fin is marked ( faintly on this juvenile) by three horizontal black bars, and the lobe tips are colorless.A thin black, often indistinct lines runs forward from the base of the caudal fin toward the base of the dorsal fin.

Common Name

Red-nose tetra, Firehead tetra, True rummbynose Tetra, False Rummynost Tetra, Brilliant Rummynose Tetra


Hemigrammus rhodostomus.


Lower stretches of the Amazon River.

Maximum Size

About 2"(5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A small group of these can be kept in a standard 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.Feed a mixture of dried flakes and granules and small live and frozen foods. A varied diet such as this is essential for the best colour development.

Water Temperature

76-80°F (24-27°C).


5.5-7.0. Its colours will become faded if kept in alkaline conditions.




It is sensitive to water changes.

Pretty Tetra


The body of the Pretty Tetra is deep when compared with the other members of this family.On mature specimens, the back and head are dark gray-green color shading through to a purple copper and down to a silver lower half.As with other silvery species , iridescences are seen according to lighting conditions.The scales are dark edged, and the eye is red above and pale bluish green below.The top of the caudal peduncle is marked with a gold line, beneath which a dark patch extends forward, terminating near the dorsal fin.

Common Name

Black wedge tetra ,Garnet tetra,Pretty Tetra.


Hemigrammus pulcher


Peruvian section of the Amazon River.

Maximum Size

About 2"(5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.Daily meals of small live and frozen fare such as Daphnia, Artemia and suchlike will result in the best colouration and encourage the fish to come into breeding condition. A small net bag filled with aquarium-safe peat can be added to the filter to aid in the simulation of black water conditions. Use fairly dim lighting.

Water Temperature

74-80°F (23-27°C).


5.0 - 7.0




This popular fish will breed in captivity but may be reluctant to spawn unless full compatibility between the sexes is achieved.The female should be swollen with eggs before introducing her to the male.Use a heavily planted , 24 in (60cm) tank for breeding.

Beacon Fish


The deep body outline of the Beacon Fish follow the general tetra pattern.The identifying features of this silvery gray fish are the bright red top of the eye and the gold spot behind the adipose fin, above a dark blotch at the base of the caudal fin.

Common Name

Beacon Fish, Head and Tail-light Fish


Hemigrammus ocellifer.


Rivers in Amazon region and Guyana.

Maximum Size

About 2"(5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 60 cm (24 inches)  with at least 20 litre (5 gallons).


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.Daily meals of small live and frozen fare such as Daphnia, Artemia and suchlike will result in the best colouration and encourage the fish to come into breeding condition.

Water Temperature

24 – 28° C (75 – 82.5° F).


6.0 - 8.0


5-12 dH


These small fish prefer a well-planted aquarium and soft acid water for breeding.They will eat there eggs.

Glowlight Tetra


The upper and lower halves of the peach-colored yet translucent Glowlight Tetra are divided by a glowing red-gold line.It starts on the snout and ends of the caudal fin.

Common Name

Glowlight tetra, Glo-light tetra, Glo light, Glolight


Hemigrammus erythrozonus.


Rivers in Guyana.

Maximum Size

About 2"(5cm).

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 60 cm (24 inches)  with at least 20 litre (5 gallons).


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.Daily meals of small live and frozen fare such as Daphnia, Artemia and suchlike will result in the best colouration and encourage the fish to come into breeding condition.

Water Temperature

24 – 28° C (75 – 82.5° F).


6.0 - 8.0


5-12 dH


These small fish prefer a well-planted aquarium and soft acid water for breeding.They will eat there eggs.

Buenos Aires Tetra


A thin horizontal thin line begins behind the gill cover of this slim fish and tapers until it obscured by a dark line, ending in the center of the caudal fin.Males color intensify during spawning.

Common Name

Buenos Aires Tetra.


Hemmigrammus Caudovittatus.


Plate river basin of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

Maximum Size

About 3"/7.5cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring at least 36" x 15" x 12" (90cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 100 litres.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.For the best condition and colours, offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodworm, Daphnia and brine shrimp, along with dried flakes and granules.

Water Temperature

64-82°F (18-28°C)


6.0 - 8.0


5- 20°H


It may eat soft-leaved plants.

Silvertip Tetra


The tetra's basic color of golden brown varies from pale silver in females to a deep copper in males.This fish has transparent yellowish fins tipped with white.Females are plumper, especially when spawning.

Common Name

Hasemania melanura, Hemigrammus nanus, Silvertip Tetra


Hasemania nana


Small rivers in San Francisco River region of Brazil.

Maximum Size

About 2"/5cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A standard 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.For the best condition and colours, offer regular meals of small live and frozen foods such as bloodworm, Daphnia and brine shrimp, along with dried flakes and granules.

Water Temperature

74-82°F (23-28°C)


6.0 - 8.0


  5- 20°H

Black Widow


The Black Widow's oval body is marked by three dark vertical bars; through the eye , just behind the gill cover, and at the base of the dorsal fin.Sex is generally distinguished by the more pointed dorsal fin and broader fronted anal fins on males, and by the plumper bodies of females.

Common Name

Black Tetra, Black Skirt,Black Widow


Gymnocorymbus ternetzi


Among tall plants in rivers in the Mato Grosso area, South America.

Maximum Size

About 2"/5cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A standard 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) - 70 litre tank.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.

Water Temperature

68-78°F (20-26°C)


6.0 - 7.0


  5- 20°H


This is an ideal starter fish.A long-finned cultivated variety is shown here.

Hasselt's Bony Lipped Barb


The scales of this juvenile are dotted with a reddish brown mark, giving a stripped appearance , with a dark spot occurs on the caudal peduncle.Adult fish are plain gray-green. The mouth has lips fringed with pimpy growths, and the lower jaw forms a scraper for algae.All fins contain yellow and red.

Common Name 

Hasselt's Bony Lipped Barb, Terbul.


Osteocheilus hasselti.


Streams and rivers of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Sunda Island

Maximum Size

About 12"/30cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

70-100 gallons minimum.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.

Water Temperature

22 - 28°C


6.0 - 7.5


  4- 15°H


This fish is very active when young ,but like the Black Shark it grows large quickly and requires a great deal of space.

Black Shark


The coloring on this mature Black Shark is gray-black: on adults it is deep velvety black.The juvenile has scales with red or gold centers, giving a speckled appearance .The species has a large ,triangular dorsal fin resembling that of a true shark

Common Name 

Black Shark, Genus labeo.


Luciosoma setigerum


Various waters in Borneo , Java ,Sumatra,  Thailand, Cambodia.

Maximum Size

About 20"/50cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

70-100 gallons minimum.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.

Water Temperature

22 - 28°C


6.0 - 7.5


  4- 15°H


This peaceful species relishes supplemental green foods.

Apollo Shark


Like the Maroon Shark, this fish features silvery flanks with a greenish tinge above the lateral lines and large scales.A black line runs from the head to the caudal peduncle, where it continues along the top edge of the large, deeply forked caudal fin.The bottom of the caudal fin is rays , and pectoral fins reach back to the pelvic fins.

Common Name 

Silver Apollo Shark, Apollo Shark, Silver Shark.


Luciosoma setigerum


Streams and rivers in Borneo , Java ,Sumatra; also  Thailand.

Maximum Size

About 10"/25cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank measuring 6' x 2' x 2'/180cm x 60cm x 60cm/540 litres should be the minimum size considered.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.

Water Temperature  

75 - 81°F/24 - 27°C


6.0 - 7.5


  4- 15°H


A large ,covered aquarium is required.

Maroon Shark


The silvery brown flanks of this species have a greenish yellow tinge above the lateral line.Juveniles have a black band running from the head to tail that fades with the age.Pelvic and anal fins carry red, and the red caudal fin has black tips.The dorsal fin is relatively uncolored.

Common Name 

Sultan Fish, Ikan Jelawat, Mad Barb


Leptobarbus hoevenii


Rivers in Borneo and Sumatra; also Laos and Thailand.

Maximum Size

About 20"/50cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

At least 125 gallons.


They are Omnivorous , so can eat most of the foods.Frozen flakes and live foods.A varied diet will ensure the fish develop the best colors and condition.

Water Temperature  

72 - 78°F/22 - 26°C


6.0- 8.0.


5 - 15°H


A roomy tank is needed for this large fish.

Ruby Shark


The Ruby Shark has a slim gray body and dark-edged scales.A dark stripe runs from the snout to the center of the eye,and there is a dark patch at the rear of the caudal peduncle.The forked caudal fin carries red coloring, and the down-turned mouth carries two pairs of barbels.Males are slimmer with a black streak anal fin.

Common Name 

Ruby Shark,Green Fringe-lipped Shark


Labeo frenatus


Stream throughout Thailand .

Maximum Size

About 6"/15cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank smaller than 48" x 18" x 18"/120cm x 45cm x 45cm/255 litres.


Crossocheilus Oblongus is mainly herbivorous.A good quality dried product(s) with added Spirulina or similar is ideal but plenty of fresh vegetable matter should also be included in the diet. Shelled peas, blanched courgette, spinach and chopped fruit all make good additions to the menu. Once settled into the aquarium the fish sometimes ascend into midwater to feed and in a rivertank-style set-up as described above will often be seen browsing the biofilm that tends to form on the rockwork.

Water Temperature  

72 - 78°F/22 - 26°C


6.5- 8.0.


5 - 15°H


These fishes have down-turned fringe-lipped mouths. Flowerpots make ideal hiding places for them.

Red Finned Shark


In the wild, the body of this ''shark'' is pale-brown, with a small dark patch at the end of the caudal peduncle and bright red fins.Many commercial , aquarium-bred , strains on general sale, however, shows the characteristics of albinism.They have a pale body  and red eyes.

Common Name 

Albino Rainbow Shark, Albino Red Finned Shark, Albino Ruby Shark


Labeo erythrurus.


Stream in Thailand .

Maximum Size

About 6"/15cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank smaller than 48" x 18" x 18"/120cm x 45cm x 45cm/255 litres.


Crossocheilus Oblongus is mainly herbivorous.A good quality dried product(s) with added Spirulina or similar is ideal but plenty of fresh vegetable matter should also be included in the diet. Shelled peas, blanched courgette, spinach and chopped fruit all make good additions to the menu. Once settled into the aquarium the fish sometimes ascend into midwater to feed and in a rivertank-style set-up as described above will often be seen browsing the biofilm that tends to form on the rockwork.

Water Temperature  

72 - 78°F/22 - 26°C


6.5- 8.0.


5 - 15°H


These fishes have down-turned fringe-lipped mouths. Flowerpots make ideal hiding places for them.

Red Tailed Black Shark


The flattened ventral contour, the underslung mouth, and the high, triangular dorsal fin give this fish its distinctive shark-like shape. It also has the habit of patrolling the aquarium. The body is jet black, while the tail is red, Pectoral fins may be yellow-orange.

Common Name 

Redtail Shark, Labeo bicolor, Red Tailed Black Shark.


Labeo bicolor.


Stream in Thailand .

Maximum Size

About 6"/15cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

A tank smaller than 48" x 18" x 18"/120cm x 45cm x 45cm/255 litres.


Crossocheilus Oblongus is mainly herbivorous.A good quality dried product(s) with added Spirulina or similar is ideal but plenty of fresh vegetable matter should also be included in the diet. Shelled peas, blanched courgette, spinach and chopped fruit all make good additions to the menu. Once settled into the aquarium the fish sometimes ascend into midwater to feed and in a rivertank-style set-up as described above will often be seen browsing the biofilm that tends to form on the rockwork.

Water Temperature  

72 - 78°F/22 - 26°C


6.5- 8.0.


5 - 15°H


It is quarrelsome with its own kind and others if there are no hiding places.

Siamese Flying Fox


The body is torpedo shape and divided into distinct color sections.The top is brown-green and is separated by a pale yellow hand from the thick dark band which runs the length of the body.The ventral surface is silvery yellow.All fins carry trace of yellow, and the dorsal fin has black base.The down-turned is used to browse upon algae-covered rocks , but live foods are also eagerly taken.

Common Name 

Siamese algae eater, Siamese flying fox, Flying fox, Siamese fox, Lady's Fingernail Fish


Epalzeorhynchus siamensis.


Stream in Thailand and Malaysia.

Maximum Size

About 5.5"/14cm.

Minimum Tank Size 

About 90cm with 150L.


Crossocheilus Oblongus is mainly herbivorous.A good quality dried product(s) with added Spirulina or similar is ideal but plenty of fresh vegetable matter should also be included in the diet. Shelled peas, blanched courgette, spinach and chopped fruit all make good additions to the menu. Once settled into the aquarium the fish sometimes ascend into midwater to feed and in a rivertank-style set-up as described above will often be seen browsing the biofilm that tends to form on the rockwork.

Water Temperature  

65- 79°F/18 - 26°C


6.5- 7.5.


5 - 15°H


The Siamese Flying Fox fish forages on tank-botton algae.It is generally peacefull , but intolerant of its own species.

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